Sunday, May 10, 2015

LONG-TERM CARE REPORT: More profit, more issues | Brantford Expositor

LONG-TERM CARE REPORT: More profit, more issues | Brantford Expositor

There are more than 20,000 people on waiting lists to get into one of Ontario 629 nursing homes and the most conservative projections about the need for new beds say we need 50% more beds in the next 25 years due to the "silver tsunami."

Friday, May 08, 2015

Q-jumpers-The Health Myth Busters: Alberta -the new Kids in a candy store

Q-jumpers-The Health Myth Busters: Alberta -the new Kids in a candy store: National Post ePaper It is no disgrace to be a teacher, or a social worker, or a labourer, or a student. But these are not the occupatio...